Who, what, why?

How we manage our eco-friendly hotel in Austria

In our family-run hotel in the idyllic mountain village of Fliess in Tyrol, we, the Wille-Gadient family, look after our guests personally, with conviction and dedication. We know that above all, our guests appreciate our untouched nature. That’s why we have made the preservation of our environment a priority. As "Nature Park Shapers", we are implementing measures to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and as a Climate Alliance business, we have developed a comprehensive climate protection plan for our business.

A nature hotel in Austria

We are firmly convinced that sustainability will play an increasingly important role in tourism in the Alps. We and our employees have already set out on this path: in our kitchen, we use organic products from our own farm as well as from local producers, we work in a way that conserves resources and reduces waste. As an eco-friendly hotel in Austria, we see our responsibility as a great opportunity: we want to make our natural idyll available to many more generations of guests.

In-house butterfly breeding

We have been breeding the admiral butterfly and many other special butterfly species at Fliesserhof for 7 years. Between June and August, you can follow the metamorphosis of the animals in our terrariums, from egg to caterpillar, to cocoon and finally to adult butterfly. Particularly interesting for families: the butterfly workshops on our sun terrace. Alongside bees and bumblebees, butterflies are some of the most important pollinators. We are therefore extremely proud to have already released over 1000 butterflies into the wild.

Sounds interesting?

Here are even more good reasons

A delightful spot

Location & Region


Regional Cuisine

Off into nature

Active holiday in Fliess